Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Last iron pill today

Holy crap! I cannot believe I completed six weeks of iron supplements. This morning was the last day for me to take the pill. Every day I prayed that my body would take over and give me good results when I go to the lab in a few weeks. I have to go do lab work at least two weeks before my next appointment with my GI specialist. Dr. R is confident that the six weeks of iron supplements will help me with my liver enzyme levels, anemia and low red blood cells. 

I am keeping up the 4x week work outs and eating well. Drinking LOTS of water all the time. I could be a camel and survive in the desert if necessary. Plus, I have a super-great support system of family and friends. You guys inspire me to do great every day and stay positive. Every day I have a choice on my attitude and I choose to be victorious and find the goodness of every situation. 

Keep up with me - next week, I will see my oncologist for my 12 week check up. We still have more to talk about...those pesky cysts on my ovary are still there. Or are they? Yes, I think they are still there because they tug and pull at me at random times. I will not let this put a cloud over me. I am strong. I can do more than most. I am blessed!

Item #945: The next time you eat your favorite food or drink, close your eyes and take a cleansing breath and then slowly consume. Savor each bite to remember why it is your favorite. This experience is LIVING. 

I love your guts!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

STOP! It's me time.

Every day, I am lucky enough to have dishes to wash, little socks to pair up and a garage to pull into at the end of the day. Along with these luxuries, I can work anywhere I can get WiFi. This afternoon, I am sitting in the shade, enjoying the breeze and listening to random conversations. And monitoring my battery life for my computer.

Taking a few moments to stop your day and soak in the world around you may help you re-center, re-focus and re-charge your batteries. 

Item#199: Be well. Do good work. Be kind to others.

I love your guts!