Wednesday, May 23, 2012

One thousand, eight hundred and twenty-six

This number is significant because this is the number of days I will take the drug Tamoxifen. Earlier in my blog I shared with you that this is the cornerstone of my treatment plan. Oh, please do not Google the side effects. You can tune in here to read all about them from my experience. I also take an 81mg aspirin to mitigate the development of clots. Yes, that is a bit scary but moving and lots of liquids is key.

Day one was on Tuesday, May 22. I was dizzy. My balance was not good in the evening. I slept great.

Today is day two. I took time to really notice how I was feeling throughout the day. The morning was fine until a lady forgot that the red and white sign that reads "Yield" was for her. She came within inches of ruining my car and my day. No incident - we just exchanged gestures. I am very sure she knew what mine meant. Arriving at work, I took advantage of the handicap spot and briskly walked in to start my day. After hosting a 2 hour meeting, I took a 30 minute walk around the building. Yes, I was inside. I needed to get the blood going because I was about to sit in another hour long meeting. I look forward to being home because I can work in a t-shirt, shorts and no shoes.

Tomorrow is day three and the number is 1,824. I will enjoy the rest of my afternoon with family time with Jeff and the kids. Then I host another meeting this evening at 9:30pm for our team members in Asia. I plan to be asleep by 11. Not bad for bumpy start to the next phase of treatment. 

To my Aunt Vicki: I thought by now I would be at the summit, but getting there takes a long time. Hang in there and stay on the journey with me - it will be fun :)

I love your guts!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Finish line

Today I can see the finish line. I have 2 more radiation treatments and I can get my life back to normal. No, I am not focused on the follow up appointments with multiple doctors in the next few weeks/months. I am just excited to celebrate the end of this phase. 6-1/2 weeks went by pretty fast. 

I knew this last week of treatment would be stellar, but I had no idea how great it would be. I had the opportunity to grab lunch with a friend who was here for the week from Singapore. Seeing Lena was fantastic! Catching up made the hour fly by so fast. Love you girl and safe travels going back to see your boys :)

More cool stuff this week: This Friday my Breville juicer will arrive, according to UPS. How exciting! Yes, I am excited about a juicer. Saturday morning, my cousin Stephanie will be here from California and we have breakfast planned, so mimosas are a must for our menu. Sunday we are attending a family event celebrating my grandfather's 90th birthday, hosted by my dad and his brother and sisters. I expect to be napping by Sunday afternoon. 

Bottom line, I am a winner. Yes, I said it and you read it here first. I am not the kind of person to boast about accomplishments but this one will be one of them. This experience does not define me and my life going forward. I look at this event in my life as a blip and a reminder of how I need to slow down and give more appreciation for all the small things. 

Item #812: Age is linear. Life is a roller coaster. You have the power to choose to ride the coaster or sit on the park bench and watch it go around. I choose to sit in the front seat and ride.

I love your guts!

NOTE: Just because I am finished with treatments does not mean I will stop writing. So many of you have encouraged me to keep going. If you want to get updates, I recommend subscribing to follow my blog. This will send you emails to let you know that I made an entry to the blog and you do not have to constantly check the site for updates.

Sunday, May 6, 2012


This morning, I woke up to a text waiting for me from my good friend, Joyce. The message was brief but urgent. As I was waking up, I sent her a text to call me. Something tugged at my gut to look at her Facebook page. Before I could navigate to her page, I saw her post about missing Cameron, her 21 yr old son. My heart sank and I was speechless. I dialed her number right away and she uttered a few words and began crying. I don't remember much but told her that I was on my way over. Jeff was already awake and in the office on the computer. I went to him and was a complete mess. Telling him what little I knew and he hugged me and said, "Go. Be with her. Call me when you need me." 

When I arrived, all I could do is hug her and cry. There were few words exchanged but in an instant my heart was aching for her loss. I hoped that my hug and comforting words were enough. I could not imagine how she felt.

Today reminds me how life is so fragile. A passage I recently read from Joel Osteen is fitting for today "One of the greatest abilities God has given each one of us is our ability to believe. Believe today that God has an incredible plan for your life."

I believe God does have an incredible plan for each of us. Today we believe His greatness even when it hurts so much. I pray today for Him to comfort Joyce & Randy, Valerie, Dean, the Tankersley and McColley families and close friends. 

Item #020: Today is not always about you. You may define your day as bad by hitting a few red lights to make you a few minutes late to work. Let it go and focus on what is right with your day.

I love your guts!

Friday, May 4, 2012


Beastie Boys

The sound of my generation was grounded with music from the Beastie Boys. Adam "MCA" Yach (seen on the right) passed away today from the effects of glandular cancer. Click the link in the previous mention and learn more. Let it be known that "Adrock" was my favorite (middle). These guys were amazing! They are my generation's equivalent to the the Beatles or Eagles. 


My parents supported our love of music. We were exposed to everything under the sun and sometimes it boggles the mind the music trivia I have stored. They took me and my brother, plus one friend each, to the Beastie Boys concert in Houston when we were teenagers. This was a trip of a lifetime. Not only did we get great seats. We screamed and sang to all the songs. The icing on the cake was that we stayed in the same hotel as the Beastie Boys. What a memory we will never forget. Thanks Mom and Dad! Torey and Dani had a great time, too :) Side note: this was not the first time we saw them. We saw them at the Austin concert, as well.

Item #054: Be positive. When you interact with others, take time to give positive energy. You get what you give. If you have an idea or thought that sounds quirky or odd, you may be doing groundbreaking stuff. Give that idea life and be positive. 

Free Tibet

I love your guts!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Today is only Wednesday?

Today feels like Thursday or Friday. What is happening to my days? The last couple of nights or mornings, my eyes open at 3:30. I have an idea it might have to do with comfort, but it sends my days into a tailspin. 

The only thing new for me this week is the $25 jar of cream for the burned skin. It looks like leather on a hot summer day and aches like the worst sunburn you ever had.

Tomorrow I look forward to lunch with my support group and an acupuncture appointment later in the afternoon. Rounding out my Thursday will include having my Aunt Liz come by and help out with dinner and getting the kids ready for bed time. Dad will take Madison to her last soccer practice of the season. 

Jeff and Lorenzo are in class one more week - just in time to be here for me during the end of my treatment. The end is the most intense. I am ready - mentally. Let's hope my skin is up to the task to bear through the intensity. 
Dear Tiny Zen penguin, please help me find my center to take on the next couple of weeks.

Item #047: Yesterday can never be changed. We can only learn from yesterday. We can plan for tomorrow, but ultimately it is only a guide for the day. Let go of yesterday and tomorrow - focus on today. 

Celebrate the little victories. Here are mine for today: I didn't get a speeding ticket. I got front row parking at work (without using my temporary handicap placard). I ate lunch away from my computer. I stared down the squirrel for almost 2 minutes and then he slowly walked down the tree and went out of our yard. I sat on the stairs to admire the sunlight now shining in our house (we got a few solar tubes upstairs). What victories did you have today?

I love your guts!