Monday, January 23, 2017

Flash forward five months

A lot of things have happened since my last post. 

Another wonderful lady gained her wings in October. 

On the same day that Kendra Scott held an event in honor of Holley Kitchen, raising 100,000 USD for metastatic breast cancer research. 

Then, another #lifer friend went to Dallas to get a platelet transfusion. She was there for a few months and was home by the end of the year. Everything was a success and I'm happy to say she is back home. 

The holidays were rough on so many but we worked to focus on the good.

The new year did not heed my warning to act right and leave my friends alone. One of my cancer sister's mother passed away from cancer after almost a year fighting. Sweet Adrienne gained her wings. She left behind a daughter, parents, extended family and countless friends. We are all here for Sarah Ann and will gladly lift her spirits up.

Earlier this month, I went to my oncology appointment, after my mammogram appointment. The mammogram was clear. Thank God. The platelet levels went up to 84,000 (which had been hovering in the low 70,000s since January 2016). I had been a bit under the weather with cedar fever and allergies. My doctor and I joked that maybe that was what I needed to kick these platelets into action. I hope this is the case. We talked about me stopping Tamoxifen in May/June. She furrowed her brow and said we can talk about it but she strongly recommends that I stay on it for TEN years. Uhmmmm, I will bring my Hulk hands with me to my next appointment in May to discuss Tamoxifen again. My husband will be with me, so I'm not sure the conversation will go in my favor. Stay tuned :)

This new year has me more in tune with my little ones because these are their "good ol' days". I want to make sure they have solid, happy memories, when possible. Like embarrassing them by yelling, "I love you!" out the window to them in front of their friends. Well, ok, this would only work for Brett because he walks away slowly from the car. Madison darts off and her friends aren't out there, but I could yell at her when I pick her up. Letting them cook dinner, do laundry and mow the lawn. These are chores they ask to do and of course I say yes. Why not? They will have to learn to do these things later in life, even if they have enough money to pay someone to do this for them. And so many more things.

Item #921722: Love yourself and be secure with yourself to have coffee or lunch alone. Soak in the sounds, sights and smells around you. (I hope the smells are pleasing) The simple pleasure of enjoying the moment is glorious and we should take time to slow down or stop. 

I love your guts!