Tuesday, April 22, 2014

High energy

Why do kids have so much energy? I am a believer that they store it in their feet. What? Yes. I declare that kids have all their energy in those tiny feet that tickle them to make them want to run every day and every where they go. I want that kind of energy and know I will find it soon. I get close to this when I work out. Following a workout, if I ache or if I am sore, I am reminded that my body is changing and my energy level will be a little higher. One day I will have high energy, just like my kids. 

Bottom line, I am looking at all life in a different perspective more now. Perhaps after reading this, you will too!

Item #404: Be contagious. Reflect happiness and positive vibes.

I love your guts!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Holy. Weakness.

I am Catholic. The Bible has been read to me my entire life at church. This week is one of the holiest of weeks in the Catholic religion. We prepare for the death and resurrection of Christ, I reflect back on myself to identify my weakness and how I can make changes to become a better human being. 

I made a list. (Who is shocked?)

  1. Live as an example for my children and others around me.
  2. Have a mantra to live by. Be good. Do good. Smile.
  3. Be respectful of all living things. 
  4. Stop and smell the flowers. All too often, we are on a mission to get things done to move onto the next thing. Appreciate the chaos and revel in the mysteries of nature.
  5. Choose those around you wisely. They should reflect your spirit.
  6. We are all destined to expire. Some have expired too soon and it makes us ache. Embrace the ache and take the good from the experience with that person.
  7. Remember that some rooms at work have timers to shut off lights. Know when you are in one of those rooms and wave your arms in the air to let there be light.
  8. Stand in the rain and feel it on your skin. Let your kids or pets do it with you, it's just water.
  9. Smell the pizza. Do not eat the pizza. (Change out the word pizza for another food item that is not fuel for your body.)
  10. Drink more water and less caffeine.
  11. Hug your family and friends when you are departing.
  12. Give a dollar to someone in need. You never know what kind of day they had until that moment.
  13. Smile.

Item #002: Love yourself first before you can love others...and don't be a big baby!

I love your guts!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Bucket list. What freaking list?

I know many of you have bucket lists and have shared with others. I am not sure what triggered this with me but I think I can come up with one that has been floating around in my mind for quite some time. Now, I am ready to share it with others. Congratulations, you are now entering the dark depths of my heart and mind. Buckle up. The ride is going to be a bit uneventful.

Two week trip to Italy, France and Ireland and visit a few museums and churches that I studied in Art History class. I never sold my book back. I bookmarked the specific locations and artwork I want to see, admire and photograph. [Let me take a selfie.]

Sit on the third base line at a Yankee game. Front row, of course!

Spend a long weekend in Atlanta with my old friend Carol Lane visiting and playing with all the farm animals. Ride horses and sit on the porch drinking lemonade and catching up.

Take the kids to Disneyworld for a week so they can lose their fuzzy little minds. Booked! The kids are going this summer and have NO idea. I can hardly contain myself.

Spend a week in Bora Bora or far away island in the Pacific, just soaking in the sun, watching the sunrise and sunset. Getting back in tune with myself and realize how small I really am, compared to the entire universe.

Create some art to go on display at a local gallery. Invite a small group of friends to the show.

See Elton John in concert, one more time.

Do 10 push-ups correctly, without stopping.

Run a mile under 9.5 minutes.

See James Franco on/off Broadway performance. It would be cool if I could meet him, too.

Write a short story and have it published.

Item #550: When we compete to be excellent, we are really competing with ourselves.

I love your guts!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Good news!

The news I got today from my oncologist was so great that I felt like I was walking on a cloud. Yup. The cheesy statement you read was brought to you by great news. 

The genetic test I had back in January came back negative!
My liver enzyme levels are going down!
My blood counts look very healthy!
Negative results from pathology from my surgery a couple of weeks ago!

Could I use more exclamation points in this entry? Yes, of course!

I am feeling so lucky and grateful. My doctor said that this was a great visit and to go have a good time at Disney this summer. These next twelve weeks are going to be great. Livin' every day like it will never come again.

Item #001: Smile.

I love your guts!

Follow me on Twitter @iamnikkideleon