Monday, August 8, 2016

Update - platelets

Since my last entry, I saw my oncologist after the two weeks of steroids to help boost the platelet count.Unfortunately, this did not work. The opposite happened - my count dropped 5K total. This was not the news we expected. Jeff was there to hold me together as I got a little sassy with my oncologist to ask if we could try it again. The answer was no, because most likely nothing would be different. Then she said a bone marrow biopsy needed to be scheduled. Ugh! 

This put me in a focused mode. When I got to the scheduler, she asked what day worked for me and of course I wanted the earliest date possible. Getting this procedure done sooner rather than later was preferred. I was able to get the appointment within 3 business days. Early this morning, we went to the hospital to get the procedure done and we were in an out in four hours. There was minimal pain. I'm more sore than in pain, which works for me. 

Thank you all for the out pouring of love, support and prayers. I could feel the love and cannot wait until we get the results. Expect the results by August 24.

Item #2929: Be the example of goodness you want to see in the world. Smile at a stranger. Hold a door open. Call that family member or friend you miss.

I love your guts!