Thursday, February 27, 2014

Tennis ball. Golf ball.

I went to see my gynecologist to get an assessment on what is going on with my right (remaining) ovary. I was not too excited when I saw the screen and felt the pressure of the sonogram. I saw a large dark spot. And then another. Good grief. When my doctor measured them, he indicated that one was the size of a golf ball and the other the size of a tennis ball. (gulp) This is not the news I was expecting. Despite all the good I had been doing with diet and exercise, my organs were hosting cysts. (sarcasm)

The question you are asking yourself, now that your jaw has shut after dropping on the floor, is now what is going to happen. This is a bit complicated. Since I have moderately elevated liver enzymes, I need to meet with my GI doctor to share the news that I need surgery and if there are any concerns on his part. If he gives the all clear, I call to schedule my surgery to remove my ovary and uterus. This is all a bit overwhelming, but I try not to think about it right now. I have way too much to think about to keep me busy.

Item #540: Fill your cup with love and gratitude. 

I love your guts!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Measure. Work. Repeat.

I am very happy that Jeff bought me a new Fitbit for Valentine's Day. He was a bit mysterious about telling me what he got and really pulled off a good one. The box was wrapped with a sweet note. I was excited to get started, especially with my workouts. 

Pushing myself to go a little more will help me reach my goal of a smaller pant size. I have not purchased new pants since before Christmas and I am glad it was only a couple of pair. Those are already loose and require a belt. 

Find what makes you happy. If you believe it and dream it, you can make anything happen.

I love your guts!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Strawberry. Banana.

Let me explain. I am working out five times a week and feeling Grrrreat! Bananas are on the menu for me every day of the week. Last week, I saw these strawberries and had to get them. Then, little did I know, there are exercises named strawberry and banana. I thought Jeff was making this up, but apparently this is an exercise we do at cardio kickboxing class. We did this exercise on Saturday morning and it was not as bad as I thought...until we had to go faster. Ha! 

What does this mean? Nothing really. I want to share with you the simple things that make me smile and feel good. Knowing that I am full of life every day and can work through the tough exercises, I know I am doing something great for my body to keep me here a little bit longer. And I will continue to do them every day.

This morning, I was able to share with my workout friends, A.K.A. Divas, the pigeon yoga pose. The pose helps me open up my hips and give them a good stretch. I am a little more limber than most, but I find that sharing good things with others is what this life is all about.

Item # 944: Put your mobile devices down and walk away from technology for five minutes. Look at the beauty around you, soak it in and know that you will not have another day like today. We are here for a brief moment in time, so make it count!

I love your guts!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

I am feeling proud today...

I woke up today with purpose and feel great after a one hour cardio boot camp work out with my Diva friends. For some reason, today I am especially grateful for my freedom and lucky to be an American. This is one classification I do not mind. I am an American. Say it out loud. Do you feel pride? If you are missing the point, think back to the Statue of Liberty. The following statement makes me think most of us have forgotten how our country was born and grew up. "Give me your tired, your poor/Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."

I am taking in all the sunshine, fresh air and gifts of freedom that I have been afforded by those that came before me. Today I feel like I am waking up from a long winter sleep. Our weather has treated us like we truly have cold weather in Texas. For many years, I have never worn a coat, gloves and hat so much in one season. 

I am also grateful for my health. I am still waiting on genetic test results, which will not be ready until early April. Instead of wallowing in the world of "what if", I am living every day to the fullest, like it will be the last one I get. Too often, we say we live life this way, but I think I am truly seeing how to do this...finally.

Item #414: Smile at four people today. Sing in your car so loud the car next to you can hear. Stand in the sunshine for four minutes and enjoy the way it feels on your face. 

I love your guts!