Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Life moments

Hang on tight. Life goes by fast, in the same way a ride on an awesome roller coaster. If you close your eyes, you will miss out.

Long ago, Jeff told me that it was the little things we remember. As I have gone through life, he was right. SHhhhh, do not mention this post to him ;)

Today, I took time away from my work to attend the 2nd grade award assembly for Brett. The ceremony was very efficient, but at the same time, I was a bit remiss about not coming to more activities/events. I do not want to miss out on more and know that I cannot be there for everything, but will do my best to schedule to be more available.

Brett recently lost one of his front teeth and said that he knows he will need braces soon. I am not ready for this step in life yet. Slow down, Father Time. And Madison keeps talking about when she's 15 she will be closer to driving and wearing make up. What? Yes, make up. 

Allow me to share a few photos of them. Snapped at a moment in time that will never be repeated. Just admired and remembered. 


Take time to drink in the moment. They go by faster than a roller coaster.

I love your guts!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Miracles DO happen

I pray and stay positive to bring my declarations to life. I am centered by my prayers for strength, wisdom and compassion. Breathing deep to relax my mind and body help me be a better person to myself and those around me. When I hear of someone in need, I am compelled, as most of us would be, to contribute to make a difference. Every day, someone is in need around you. Be still and listen for their request.

Remarkable what happens when we observe signs and sound around us. Pay attention!

Item #90: Drink more water.

I love your guts!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

All clear...??

Here is what I know. Last week, my CT scan showed no signs of stupid cancer. YAY! However, it did reveal fatty liver deposits. BOO! And it showed that I still have cysts on my right ovary. SHIT!

Luckily, the fatty liver deposits are a side effect of Tamoxifen. Thanks drug makers, you really suck. I can curb some of this with lowering intake of saturated fats and increased exercise. OK, I can do these things.

Monday, I saw my gynecologist to get an update on how my ovary and uterus are looking. We were pleasantly surprised to see that my uterus looked better than before. Again, YAY! My ovary had cysts on there, but they were smaller than before. WOOO-HOOOO! I have to go back in July to get my Mirena replaced and get a check up on how my ovary is doing with the cysts. Again, the cysts are a side effect of Tamoxifen. Yes, another side effect. Do not Google the drug because the side effects will make your head spin. I stopped reading the list in October 2012.

I go see my oncologist in a couple of weeks to recap the CT results and findings from my gynecologist. Not sure what she will say, but I know there will be lab work to check my liver enzymes again. Hopefully she will not want to see me until July or August, too.  

Today I boldly declare that all is clear and leave all the crappy news behind me. I wake up looking forward to see the sun and feel it on my skin. I hug my kids and encourage them to be good to themselves and others.

Item #98: Take your shoes off and walk through the grass. Feel the grass on the bottom of your feet and between your toes. Look down to see the different colors. Close your eyes to smell the grass. And if you are so bold, lay down in the grass and remember what it is like to be close to the ground. Be humble in your actions today. Carry on!

I love your guts!