Friday, May 2, 2014

Strength from within...

We all have strength within us and the ability to make the impossible, possible. The power to choose determines whether or not if we will dig deep enough inside to see if we can achieve a goal. This morning during my work out, I had an epiphany. I can do more than I thought and the only thing holding me back was the fear of failing. Well, I am not graded or judged on how many times I can do a sit up, push up or squat. In the grand scheme of things, these are just body movements that keep me healthy and continue to fuel my strength. When I want something bad enough, I move mountains to make it happen because there is a deep desire inside of me. I know I am strong because I push to go further and smile big when I get one step closer to my goal. When I get to my goal, it is time to set another. This is a cycle in my life that I am happy to repeat. There is no bad result that comes from setting these goals. 

I am reminded of a conversation I had with my Grandmother many years ago. She said that it does not matter what others say about you. They cannot judge you. You are the one that has to be happy with your choices because you are the only one staring back at you in the mirror. When you are no longer smiling in the mirror, then you have to make a change and only you can decide what your next step. I miss her terribly.

Item #770: Decide to make one small change. This change will make a difference and you will feel better and encouraged to make another. Soon, you will see that many things are different because all of those small changes made a difference.

I love your guts!