Thursday, June 19, 2014

I want to do everything

I know it has been over a month since I posted. I have been busy trying to do it all. Everything. Soaking in life's moments. Pushing through challenges and getting through to the other side. 

Where do I begin? I signed up to be an Ava Anderson consultant. Yes, like I need one more thing on my calendar. However, I am VERY passionate about sharing Ava's message to drive awareness of the toxins in our daily personal care products. Ava's statement resonates with me and drives me to talk to as many people as possible. "We do not share this message about harmful and toxic chemicals to sell products, we created the products to share the message." Ava Anderson

The kids have been at summer day camp at one of the neighborhood child care centers. Brett realizes that he's learning while on summer vacation and says he needs a real vacation. Well, they are a couple of days away from finding out that they are going on a trip of a lifetime...Disney. I can hardly contain myself as the day draws near for us to take off. Not only do I need a break from work, but I want to spend every moment enjoying their experience. 

Work is still 100mph. I am learning new things about content marketing and think being uncomfortable is OK. Sure, I would like to be comfortable and know everything, but that is when I lose interest. Glad I have the opportunity to learn and grow, professionally.

I am feeling strong. Still working out seven sessions a week. Rest days are Wednesday and Sunday. I am not sure if personal training sessions are great or just plain crazy, but they seem to be working for me. I am pushed to my limit and beyond. I am not a quitter and have to remind myself that I am luckier than most because I am mobile and flexible. I am told that I am competitive and I say, "No. I just like to win." My response is always met with a chuckle. Perspective. If yours is not so positive, then you have the power to change.

Item #808: Do something different today. Order water today, instead of your regular drink. Eat more green items (not Jolly Ranchers) in your meals today. When you change one thing for the better, you may feel good. Try it, you might just like it more than you think. 

I love your guts!