Sunday, July 26, 2015

Children get cancer, too

I follow this precious little girl, Becca Boo, on Facebook. She just posted the best video ever. Please watch and share. Use the hash tag #beccaboo

Becca's video

Item #001: Share. Educate. Empower.

I love your guts!

Friday, July 24, 2015


Finding your purpose changes over time. When I was in my twenties, my purpose was to be all things to everyone - wife, mother, daughter, friend and all-around awesome. I did not take time to sit and know myself. When I was in my thirties, I focused on growing our family and being super-mom. Now that I am in my forties and much wiser, I am focused on being His humble servant and being the example of health and strength for my children, family and friends. I fail at being healthy 100 percent of the time and know that perfection is not the outcome, just overall happiness with myself. 

This week I am reminded that having purpose is different for everyone, just like snowflakes. Purpose for each of us is different. My purpose is to be loving, kind, mindful of others and increase my physical strength. I will work every day to walk in the light of His love.

Item #546: Be the example of goodness you want to see in the world. Remove the negative energy from your circle and let the light shine.

I love your guts!