Monday, August 8, 2016

Update - platelets

Since my last entry, I saw my oncologist after the two weeks of steroids to help boost the platelet count.Unfortunately, this did not work. The opposite happened - my count dropped 5K total. This was not the news we expected. Jeff was there to hold me together as I got a little sassy with my oncologist to ask if we could try it again. The answer was no, because most likely nothing would be different. Then she said a bone marrow biopsy needed to be scheduled. Ugh! 

This put me in a focused mode. When I got to the scheduler, she asked what day worked for me and of course I wanted the earliest date possible. Getting this procedure done sooner rather than later was preferred. I was able to get the appointment within 3 business days. Early this morning, we went to the hospital to get the procedure done and we were in an out in four hours. There was minimal pain. I'm more sore than in pain, which works for me. 

Thank you all for the out pouring of love, support and prayers. I could feel the love and cannot wait until we get the results. Expect the results by August 24.

Item #2929: Be the example of goodness you want to see in the world. Smile at a stranger. Hold a door open. Call that family member or friend you miss.

I love your guts!

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Week 1 meds done

Here is the game plan for "Platelet Levels Get Back to Normal". 

I am on two weeks of medication to help "lift" the levels to normal range. Lab work 1 done after first week and then finish week 2 medication. I won't know the effects of the medication on my platelet levels until I go to the follow-up appointment with lab + office visit with doctor to review the performance of my platelets. My doctor wants to see the platelet count increase, as much as I do. If she does not see the results we anticipate (positive news), then I will need to get a bone marrow biopsy done to take a closer look at what these pesky platelets are doing. 

Come on platelets, do your job! I am feeling a bit feisty, like Si and shake my fist at these lab results. I am doing my part by staying positive. You do your job and multiply.

In the larger picture of the universe, this is like a rock in your shoe. You shake your foot to get it to roll out. When things do not go your way, you finally stop to pull the shoe off and shake the shoe like a fool. Right now I'm shaking the shoe like a fool and praying that the rock falls out so I can keep going forward. I have kids to get back into a school routine, work, coach boys' soccer and enjoy time with family and friends. 

Item #3994: When life feels like you have a rock in your shoe, stop and shake things up. Wave or smile at a stranger. Give a genuine greeting. Connect with yourself, even if you sit in the car for an extra couple of minutes after the crew goes inside. 

I love your guts!

Positive vibes for good news on August 3! Please and thank you. 

Saturday, July 16, 2016

More tests

I am making a few more trips back and forth to my oncologist lately to find out what's going on with my platelet levels (because they had dropped over the last six months). My oncologist was also concerned about my glucose. 
My primary care physician confirmed last week that I have type 2 diabetes. My primary care physician has made sure I have the medication, meal and exercise plans I need to get my glucose under control. The meal plan is not much of a stretch from how we eat today. The exercise plan has increased what I am doing now. I have been asked to do 45 minutes of cardio per day for six of the seven days of the week. [Yes, read that sentence again.] It's not going to be that difficult for me to build back up to the 45 minutes of cardio because I can do this by jogging/running on the treadmill or trails. 
Tracking the medication and glucose readings will take a little bit of adjustments but I created my own spreadsheet to help me with this and will have a booklet of readings and results to share with my doctor. She has no idea what a spreadsheet wizard I am when it comes to tracking progress and results. Those of you that know me can understand why spreadsheets are my thing...I live and work in them every day.

I digress. 

Here is another nugget of data: There is no connection between the low platelets and high glucose. My oncologist is not sure why they dropped and has me on medication over the next couple of weeks to see if the platelet levels can come up to the normal range. We will know the results of the medication the first week of August. I pray for higher levels and know that this is one thing I cannot control. In the mean time, I focus on what I can control - positive attitude, putting laundry in the dryer when it is finished and how much ice goes in my cup.

Item #0722: Remember that there is very little in this world you can control. Pick one thing a day and do it knowing that there is power in the universe that will take care of the rest. 

We often forget the bigger picture of life and focus on the little things that mean nothing. Be the ripple in the ocean of life and leave everyone and everything better when it is your time to walk away.

I love your guts!

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

What are platelets doing?

Hi. It's me and my sweet angel, Holley. I feel her presence and know I am covered with HIS love and grace. 

Today, I went to see my oncologist this morning to check my platelet levels to see if they've gone up. I prayed almost every day to give me strength and know that HIS will is my path. 

My husband was with me to receive the news at the same time as me and listen attentively to the doctor. She told me that my platelet levels went down to 70,000. There are several steps to find out what is going on with my platelets. This is NUTS! Then, there is no explanation why I'm still having a lot of bone/joint pain. Now I get to take steroids, after making sure my glucose level is under control and get another specialist added to #TeamNikki 

Item #4950 - Just when you think you are near the finish line, you have a longer way to run. Keep a steady pace. Smile. Just keep going. When things seem tough and hard, they probably are, so you need to push through. Be a winner. Give of yourself - smile, laugh or open a door for someone. Hugs are good too.

I love your guts!

Monday, March 21, 2016

Here we go again...

Three weeks ago, I went to my six month check up with my oncologist. Yes, Jeff was there by my side, because where else would he be on this day? A lot had happened in our lives since November 2015. Loss. Heartache. Tragedy. Illness. 

I will pick up on the last one. I got sick with an upper respiratory infection in the middle of January. I went to my doctor (general practitioner) to diagnose and treat me. This illness was tough and I had to get a few different medicines to get me through this to be well. It took weeks for me to feel better but I still had a hacking cough. Everyone said it would go away in weeks and not to worry. Fast forward to March 4. I still had the cough and share my news with my oncologist. She was NOT happy and said I should have called her. OOPS. I didn't think much of it because I was going to see her "soon". I know better. During my appointment I also told her about the pain in my hip that "comes and goes" since December. Again, she furrowed her brow at me and wasn't sure what I've been thinking. I told her that I just don't want to deal with this and thought things would be fine. Ha! I was wrong. She ordered a CT for my respiratory issue and a MRI for my hip. Then said, come back and see me in three weeks for results. 

Now that I had these tests completed, waiting is all I have to do until Thursday. I keep shouting out, "I AM WELL! GO TO HELL (cancer)!". I repeat to myself that my cancer is still asleep and I am well. These tests will reveal NOTHING. Shout with me that I am well and cancer is still asleep. 

I had a nice chat with my friend M, that is a breast cancer fighter, this morning. She encouraged me to see if I can get the appointment sooner than Thursday. She said out loud what I was thinking. I have a call in to the appointment department to see if I can get a time with my doctor on Wednesday.

Item #4311: Embrace today. Laugh. Giggle. Hug. Cry. Do it all and remember that you are blessed.

I love your guts!

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Latest update

Many things have happened since November. I was busy at work in November which made the month go by fast. We decorated our lawn with inflatables from SpongeBob to a penguin. The kids had a lot of fun looking at the lights every night. 

Christmas break was nice, until my dear friend went to the hospital with a respiratory infection, just before the New Year. Then we got news about a tragic loss in my husband's family. My friend, HK, was a Stage IV breast cancer thriver. She was there for a week trying to get better so she could start the New Year off right. Just when she thought the doctor was going to let her go home, she was told that there were no more treatment options for her disease and that it was spreading. Oh how my heart broke into pieces. And into many more pieces when she drifted off to be with Jesus less than a week later. 

My sweet friend, M, surprised me a couple of weeks ago with a sign that is so fitting. She's a rock star and love her heaps. This sign has a place in my heart and my home.

Come on 2016 - be good to me. We need some good news. And.....nope, it hasn't gotten better. Another family has been impacted with a breast cancer diagnosis. I know God has this sweet lady and her family in His hands. We pray for strength, focus and fire to fight a good fight.

Item #766: Remember to say nice things to everyone you encounter, even those that you do not like. Smile. It's free. Get out there and make the world a better place. Please and thank you.

I love your guts!