Tuesday, June 28, 2016

What are platelets doing?

Hi. It's me and my sweet angel, Holley. I feel her presence and know I am covered with HIS love and grace. 

Today, I went to see my oncologist this morning to check my platelet levels to see if they've gone up. I prayed almost every day to give me strength and know that HIS will is my path. 

My husband was with me to receive the news at the same time as me and listen attentively to the doctor. She told me that my platelet levels went down to 70,000. There are several steps to find out what is going on with my platelets. This is NUTS! Then, there is no explanation why I'm still having a lot of bone/joint pain. Now I get to take steroids, after making sure my glucose level is under control and get another specialist added to #TeamNikki 

Item #4950 - Just when you think you are near the finish line, you have a longer way to run. Keep a steady pace. Smile. Just keep going. When things seem tough and hard, they probably are, so you need to push through. Be a winner. Give of yourself - smile, laugh or open a door for someone. Hugs are good too.

I love your guts!