Friday, November 15, 2013

16 days post iron pills

Well I am still up and about and working out. I feel like I have not slowed down too much. However, I do notice that it is easy for me to fall asleep at the end of the day. I am not sure this is normal but when I close my eyes, I tell myself that it will only be for a couple of minutes. Then three hours later, I open my eyes and I am shocked. My feet and fingers get cold or sometimes I am cold all over. Perhaps I need a penguin pelt coat to keep me warm. Just joking, I would rather have a down sweater or pants. Maybe that would keep me awake. Oh wait. Nope. Those type of clothing items would put me right to sleep. My thought is that my body may be producing iron on its own, but maybe not at the levels it should be at this time. Self diagnosis: do lab work and consult with Dr. R to make sure we agree that I should take iron supplements for a while longer. However, he is the one that went to medical school and can best tell me how we proceed. Prognosis to be determined after my visit with him on the morning of December 6.

I am feeling stronger, physically. Working out 2 hours a week with my friends, also known as Divas, from work that are survivors and advocates for breast cancer, has been a tremendous boost for my fitness. 

And, I feel great when my home is cleaned. My treat to me, once a month to make sure we do not live in a pig sty. Oh speaking of sty. There is also something going on with my eye. A couple of weeks ago, my allergies were flared up. My eyes were itchy, I was coughing and then it passed. My left eye felt like there was something in there but after looking in the mirror, there was a bubble formed on the white of my eye. Like a perfect round bubble the size of a tiny pebble. I did not aspirate the pocket of fluid because again, I am not a medical professional...when it comes to poking at my eyes. After putting it off for a week, I finally went to see my eye doctor yesterday afternoon. He indicated that it is not anything to be concerned about but if I wanted a referral to have it aspirated, just let him know. Since I declined a referral, I did take the sample he gave me to use in the mean time. Oh yeah, and he found another pocket beginning to form in my other eye. Jeeze, can I get a break? I pray that this fluid resolves itself so I do not need to get a referral to have it aspirated.

I think this is enough for now. I shake my head and know that I can only take care of today. Tomorrow will take care of itself and welcome me with open arms to surprise and delight me. Or at least that is my wish.

I love your guts!

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