Tuesday, June 25, 2013

One more thing...

I am not giving this disease the power it is looking for today. It wants to suck the life out of me. Well, buddy, get in line. It's not the initial diagnosis that is painful and hits you like a truck. It is the living with the aftermath and not knowing what the heck is going on in the superhighway under your skin.

Tomorrow I go visit (ha, like we're old friends) my surgeon because I found an almond sized lump under my skin on my ribs. Yes, this is right. The bump is similar in fashion to what I found over a year ago. So, tomorrow, I 'visit' my surgeon to set up a date to get this jackass out of me. However, I want to make sure we don't make a habit of seeing each other too often, so I am asking if I should have a PET scan to see if there are more and if we should make a party of this event. [sigh]

Yes, I am distracted by this occurrence. Not as much as I was when I was told that I have cancer. My oncologist thinks there is a low chance that it is cancer, especially since my markers have been on the low side. However, it is not certain until they get it out and test it to get the final word. 

My message today is not inspirational or breakthrough. I am anxious, mad and tired all wrapped into a neat little bow. My kids keep me laughing and this is the best thing. Yes, I am working from home and they are here with me as a reminder of what is most important for me at the end of the day. I have it better than most and am so very thankful. Kiss those you love. Hug them tight. And give that one friend a call and tell them you were thinking about them and hope they are doing well. Those tiny gestures go a long way beyond the moment.

I love your guts!

Now I need to go clean up little hands full of paint because I left them unsupervised to write this entry. 

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