Sunday, May 6, 2012


This morning, I woke up to a text waiting for me from my good friend, Joyce. The message was brief but urgent. As I was waking up, I sent her a text to call me. Something tugged at my gut to look at her Facebook page. Before I could navigate to her page, I saw her post about missing Cameron, her 21 yr old son. My heart sank and I was speechless. I dialed her number right away and she uttered a few words and began crying. I don't remember much but told her that I was on my way over. Jeff was already awake and in the office on the computer. I went to him and was a complete mess. Telling him what little I knew and he hugged me and said, "Go. Be with her. Call me when you need me." 

When I arrived, all I could do is hug her and cry. There were few words exchanged but in an instant my heart was aching for her loss. I hoped that my hug and comforting words were enough. I could not imagine how she felt.

Today reminds me how life is so fragile. A passage I recently read from Joel Osteen is fitting for today "One of the greatest abilities God has given each one of us is our ability to believe. Believe today that God has an incredible plan for your life."

I believe God does have an incredible plan for each of us. Today we believe His greatness even when it hurts so much. I pray today for Him to comfort Joyce & Randy, Valerie, Dean, the Tankersley and McColley families and close friends. 

Item #020: Today is not always about you. You may define your day as bad by hitting a few red lights to make you a few minutes late to work. Let it go and focus on what is right with your day.

I love your guts!

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