Sunday, February 19, 2012

Help update

Thank you!
Thank you to all that have contacted me to help out this coming Thursday afternoon/evening (Feb 23). For a little while, I will need help on Thursday evenings with the kids. Madison has soccer @ 5:45 at Forest Creek Elementary, Lorenzo is in school until 7:20 and needs a ride home, and Jeff is in class until 10pm. No need for help during the week of March 12 (Spring Break).

On March 6, the day after my surgery, I will need help. Jeff will return to work so he can take off to take me to follow up appointments after surgery. Not sure if I will need someone to be at the house early in the morning to get Brett to school and Madison to mom's house (she has "school" that day as well). I would need someone to come by in the morning to check on me. My understanding is that the pain medication will be wearing off by mid-day or so and will need a little something to eat and take medication. As we get closer to the day, I will have a lock on what I need.

5K update - I woke up too late to get to the start line on time (frown). I will be back on the trail soon - even if it is just to walk.

Madison had fun at soccer practice today. She did well kicking the ball all over the place and met some new friends. The best part was when she would stop kicking the ball and started picking grass and looking around for dandelions. I recorded a little bit of her kicking the ball around and will see if I can upload the file to the blog. Her biggest adventure was going potty in the "woods." I told her to hurry or the bears would come out. She hurried and we both ran back to the rest of the group. Ten minutes later, she had to go again. I did not believe her, but took her anyway. She asked where the bear was because she did not want him to come out. And she wanted to know where the toilet paper was - of course I had to respond. I told her that it was gone. The answer was good enough for her. On the way home, I mentioned that we cannot go back to the woods again because the bear might be there. She agreed to go potty before practice. Let's hope that is the end of her "going" in the woods.

I love your guts!

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