Sunday, February 26, 2012

What a weekend

I got a great surprise on Friday. My friend Lori W. sent me a couple of specially design shirts for post-surgery healing. I have a feeling that I will be wearing these for the first few days or at least the first week. The owner and CEO of Heal in Comfort, sent a couple of extra items and personal words of encouragement for Lori to share with me. I was blown away by her heart-felt message. Thank you Lori! 

Saturday was Madison's first soccer game. It was awesome to see her have a friend on the other team for her first game, but when they were on the field at the same time, I guess they thought it was time to chat.  During the game she saw us on the sidelines and ran over to my mom to give her a hug. The girls were kicking the ball and we all told her to get back out there. Mom found it hard to push her away, but after getting hugs, Madison was out there running again. Oh, what a game! This is going to be a GREAT season. Go Unicorns!

Later in the day, Brett played his last basketball game of the season. This game was awesome! It was very physical and Brett was being very scrappy. He was aggressive and his team did a great job. They were up the whole game, but the other team came back to win by a basket or two. The boys grew so much this season and worked well together. If he wants to play again next winter, I think it would be great if we could be with some of the same guys. Go Cheetahs! 

We had breakfast with my parents. They celebrated their anniversary this weekend. I guess a nice brunch together took a backseat to an early morning soccer game, breakfast tacos, and an afternoon basketball game. I hope they had a great evening in San Antonio.

The evening came quicker than expected, but I was looking forward to dinner. We joined my friend Lori R. and friends at Sullivan's to celebrate her 40th birthday. It was nice to go out and have an all adult conversation. I was too tired to go to Cedar Door, but definitely next time. Happy birthday Lori! Thank you to Aunt Linda and Gina for coming by to hang out with the kids. They had a blast. Madison asked when you could play again. 

This week holds a lot of to-do items for me at home and work. Wednesday morning I have to be at the hospital for the pre-op appointment. I will be filling out forms until my hand cramps. If they are on the computer, I'll just take over the keyboard and fill in the digital forms myself. It would be quicker :-)

I love your guts!

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